
Hel-lo! poetry lovers..

le Ballet Mecanique..un film de Fernand Leger

First of all, —or third of all, rather..thirdly, ahem! permit me to observe that some things – if not all things – cannot be translated meaningfully, can only be rendered, –this, for example: the Ballet Mechanic. The literal translation gets you>some guy comes out of the shop in a leotard clutching his wrench in a greasy mitt and looks at your motor..some guy, perhaps Cheech y Chong, a.k.a., Alice Bowie! tu-tu’d, multi-kulture’d famous inventor..of the stationary choppercycle>allows one satisfied customer to identify with the Easy Rider persona-mystique and all other diversities, while never giving up the comforts of couch and living-room; and snacks! bagging it down the open highway, your oyster, baby! boppily brilliant, –legendary, in your mind and altogether too cool..thee life! eschewing establishment squares, war-pigs and all of the rest..sleeping under stars; and yet, very narrow in commercial appeal, somehow..all too narrow, in other words, pure art. Mssr. Chong comes readily to mind whenever the caustic subject of performance art is injected in any conversation about the medium..which is, of course, the message (we all knew that); not dissimilar in its potent, pressurized delivery-apparatus’s convenient capability to invade the human psyche* (like your long-awaited YARDSALE opened after weeks of trepidation, at last! and visited, immediately, by mongol hoards, —early birds on horseback flashing scimitars, as, simultaneously – sky’s the limit in a poem about yard-sale’s – witness the arrival, on wheels, of viking ships, shields adorning..crews and warlord, flourishing axes, carving their own parking out of the driveway, ass end extended to the far curb and onto the neighbors’ lawns..by the mail-box, additively) *is spoken words, which opens an expansive list of expressive opportunities to be..or not to be considered in any comprehensive analysis of media influence on the western experience; such as Son of Word-jazz‘s dear, own the VIDIOT,-prince, and favorite goldentonsiled offspring, Ken Nordine (a.k.a., Mister “I’m the voice that says POOF! there goes..perspiration!”), and his distant cousin, Night-of-storytelling-around-a-campfire,for-the-lads..sped in time, to young manhood, lit! bonding, with nurturing leaderships’ Judeo-Christian values t’sharing, in flickering lights ‘gainst the pitch-black darkness..illuminating vague shapes that became monsters, as flames, rising, go this way and that, ceremonially taking on lives of their own, ghosts! good, bad&ugly adding fuel to bonfire’s brief Jovian existence, snuffed out! by that ounce of cautionary, adult common-sense prevention..to ensure (there will be) continuity of tribal survival and the preservation of habitats, for future boys to come..and whittle. Also, the same sun rises..some generations later, on a charred remains telling of a previous evening’s magical entertainments dipping in waters of cultural mythologies’ amnesia’s; and toilet-papers! sent, with love, from home and diverted for an artistic purpose, –skits! engaging, in occultic practices..an audience spellbound, –I sing the body, geriatric, gerbilles in all walks of life..of a people congealed in its own ingrained glories, to Rome! –dancing war-whoops! backed by slender trees, swaying moonrise, sinuous, dissolving..in morning eucalyptus mists; and, day 3! trip by school-bus to..The Sound Museum!

MOTHLIGHT Stan Brakhage, 1963..pre-merry-prankster’s, –in contrast, a dusty, free-spirited document from the vault of human ingenuity and Hollywood reject’s, occupies the mind for a brief existence, mimicking its culturally appropriated subject..staring simian orbs’ mirror reflections, –our headlights, our selves! held captive to the artist’s vision, arrived at by overexposure to poetry..of Pound when a youth; and, next internalized then rendered, with the artist’s almost casual involvement, through the agency of found organic material physically stapled between strips of clear celluloid and photo-lab’d into prints, verbatim, –rather than translated, in an obvious throwback to the primordial photography studios’ oozes of yore, extracting from the tar pits, curatable lunchable artifacts left by the first generation’s photo-chemical pioneers – pre-covered wagon – selecting green, leafy matter, flora, etc., and interlacing (them) with any other convenient translucent materials, taken for their desirable gossamer qualities; plus, whatever works! pressing collages between sun and plates – like a flower, preserved flat within a book’s pages – coated with varying kustom photo-sensitive tinctures to try, aiming for best results, in the which, discovering images having a wonderfully shallow illusion of depth, —suggesting, in the mind’s eye, a kind of specious photo-graphic truth, presented, in an off-handed..oh, baroque expressionists’ manner (there’s prob’ly a standard term known to art critics)..his labours’ enduring products, –photographically captured snap’s, burn-in’s of recognizable natural objects, i.e., leaf skeletons, mixed with manufactured see-through articles – add some opaque stuff – rendered, in a latter day, pre-modern age of enlightenment..Junior X-ray lab set-up –so to speak. To sum up it’s all about leaves, –(Great! now make like a tree and leaf..ahem!) The similarity in ideas, here, with Leger’s work, is spot-lighted in the approach to unlocking the sub-conscious through the intentional abandonment of personal preferences, the scuttling of any aesthetic demands in favor of a blind, grab-bag grocery-list ob-wanna-bees..following an arbitrary canon dictating what’s next, — a technique analogous to that hailed, as the wave of the future, by enthusiastic creators of modern music (the ones you probably don’t want to hear) through uses of various deviant dictatorial pre-determining devices, –lock and load! such as dropping a string, then getting a good read on the entrails, laying there, and – by literal translation – arbitrarily pushing the creation of incidental/accidental sonic outcomes to a logical conclusion..for contemplations, –moody at best, in most cases; and an unguided tour in white/black/grey noise in all of the rest (I mean..I MEAAN! speaking for those of us sittin’ here, –sittin’ on the bench marked Group W, –for us, now and then in a blue moon it feels like a John Cage kinda day; but most others I, eh, ahem! would prefer a little Hank Williams or Schubert or Mozart, for my money; and some sherbet, too, please..Shekinah!) And, jumping the time-line ahead, musically..Its/His/ IS! (defined) history repeating itself, –again! as, with a cheery, though inexplicable docileness (without comment), man surrenders to hip-hop&rap artistries‘ politics minus the genius of THE LAST POETS –quick! hopping off! the dizzy, revolving, stunningly lush..ante-deluvian spectral progressions of traditional>jazz>swing>western swing>rock-a-billy/be-bop>country-to-psychedelic-rock’n’roll-jazz-blues’d fusions; and a legacyplethora of soul enabling performance styles, cracked by the since long-deceased drivers of a collective heartbeat, sounding from an underworld..wall of sound, the pulse! preserved in wax..like a flower pressed inside pages of a dusty volume, in time; you wouldn’t know to hear (and they wonder why civilization’s on the skids! SHEESH), time,TIME! to change all the clocks and locks, tic-toc! tic-toc! and yes, the melting clocks/clocks melting; accompanied by the strong, uncategorizable impression of getting bath water up your nose, Lefty! –low, and a little to the inside, clear it out, tomorrow, borrow..Finnegan’s,s-s-s..snake, hwen I wake,oy!ADEE DO! “STEE-EER-RIKE!!”

Ok..Irregardless of circumstances, the advent of cinematic form, one way or another, got us the Hollywood narrative..and the Hollywood community! spawned by energetic American geniuses, of that peculiar type of entrepeneurial wunderkinder..untermensch, –a race of melancholy men, as fascinated with seeing new stuff as they were with getting rich quickly by whatever means; whereas the europeans seem to have processed the arrival of the new art, its meaning and latent possibilities a bit differently..through the lens of an older, more discerning culture, clamouring, not for moolah! but refinements, yeah? (they’re europeans, you know). Ballet Mecanique points the gun of imagination at its captive audience not so crudely as does Porter’s The Great Train Robbery, in aiming its literal six-shooter directly at the camera, scattering viewers, terrified! diving..not accustomed to the perceived realism of an event caused by sequences of projected still photographs serially machine-gunning the brain*, (–as, with equal/unequal crudity, a vaguely similar thing is accomplished – I mentioned it earlier – in Stan ‘Wind-the-camera-and-throw-it-off-the-cliff,-it’s-art!’ Brakhage’s Mothlight..by forcing a series of neuro-chemical events, in the cerebrum, uncorked by the steady bombardment – at 18 fps – of found objects’ direct prints governed by no particular rules, presented, as-is? like a true poet) *–producing an objective illusion of motion wrought by a fresh technology, –hot-tarred on bare white shoulders of the new industrial goddess, –mass entertainment! which, as we know, threw everything for a loop..as in vintage praxinoscope-loop (no privacy, there! if you’re seeing it on youtube; probably even the very eccentric Reynaud, –Emile, himself and father of Disney would have been floored, momentarily, at the sight&sound of it, “KLINKETY-KLANKETY!” fully automated waking consciousness replica, larger than life animation’s, electro-mechanically projected onto a flat screen, –arc! of the welder’s rod, blazing behind celluloid, before a box of chocolates, seated, stuffed with multi-colored eyes, –mostly brown, I’m betting, “Cough! cough!” smell the smoke..movies

Movies are a time-machinE..E=2-D+3-D=.========,–?TV=MiltonBerlE=Emcee.sq‘uare)

Whosoever! the artists of Europe..painters, playwrights, circus performers, and the like, qualified immigrants, all..poets, even! – sandwich’d between two apocalyptic wars, one, only recently settled, and the other, just ahead and down the hall – seeking, ever, for a novel way to mesmerize patrons, –and seeing it! gave the new medium some fresh eyes (literally); and for the jaded art lovers, some food for thought. On this social phenomenon, one word..Freud. Freud and his couch. And Vienna, or Wien, –those europeans! they have their own word for everything, they speak and understand English perfectly, you know it! but just it’s utterly beneath their dignity’s to stoop so low and engage in it with us American’s especially the French! Selavvy!Rrose..her fingerprints are all over it, –stars in the Mechanical Ballet picture, ?I think..perhaps. It opens on a ?female? (everything we know here’s called in ?question??) seated on a swing, swinging (so far, so good), angle is appealing..calls up WOODSTOCK, free love, flower-power babes, ala Lily Langtree, –all of that (Lola Montez)..this is what cameras were invented for! ‘ow-eh-vehr, –and this is where it gets..psychological (?can you smell the cigars,taste the cocaine tainted fluids, dripping inside the nose cavities, perceive..a vague numbness? A-D DO! hear the thick, Wien-sausage dialect that goes, hand-in-hand, with the patently authentic, unchallenged interpretation of a human’s nightly sojourn..throughout a long, winter’s night, right? Well, –) The easy action with the woman on a swing is here brought to a grinding, screeching point of termination with..the CUT TO a downward angle/suspended camera view, ala Foucault’s pendulum,x2, our minds’ eyes..in a blink! now overhead gazing down on our winsome subject, whose eyes – which..are like limpid pools – return an implied parody of seduction (counter-part to Boyer’s? “Meet me in thee Cas-bah!” all of that?), the shift in perspective throwing everything double out-of-whack in contrary motions, which, though singularly satisfying in a musical setting, and etiquette of the road, do tend to be jarringly disorienting in the cinematic..environs, –CUT TO: HERE, I, on a night of a blue moon, –literally (rippling shadows bathed in computerlight’s glow); and, me, personally, noticing the appearance, on my right, of another sentient smaller being than me, seeking for companionship, –I..myself, turn the screen holding these images, to the white, mostly white and somewhat muscular, but partially flabby, with soft, rabbit-white fur..cat! at my elbow (and a dark tail) to gage his impression of the ART..both of us at the table or on the table as the case might be; and it grabs his attention, –held captive! le cat, by the black&white play of images, m&m’s, –like, campfire flickers! so,like, here, back with Boy Scouts of America there is witnessed to some degree, by an animal, le animal kitabu! the effective results on consciousness (generally) of Leger’s approach to manipulation of the plastic medium called cinema (european cinema, vs. vulgar Hollywood), for, by i t he has grabbed a cat..by its black tail! *(In all fairness, though, to ME! –mice-elf, I..I could probably engender a similar level of titillation easily! by capturing the movements of the cats and the dog in our chambers, changing stations through the course of a night, stirring from my satisfying sleep, to instead, be shooting infra-red, yo –Me! cinematographer-auteur-somnambulisto, –with the SONY camcorder, there, in everybody’s face, a southern california..Fellini! phenomenal..and probably wind up tripping over one of them, the cats, while trying to stay focused on maintaining an acceptable level of artistic quality, in process of controlling elements of what’s inside the frame..Guhh! half-awake, not noticing my own rebel feet taking me suddenly to the floor with a perfunctoryTHUD! and quite likely breaking the camera, lighting gizmo’s, etc., kit and le boodle. I would probably make art out of that, too, no doubt..If it ever happened (it’s all in the re-edit); but I digressed! alright..Who’s next?)

So! to return, the tomato on a swing is now become –Apollyon! for us at least, a taunting teasing vixenish countenance of, –cabaret singer or circus performer – whichever (poet?) – un-horsed! of the swing, as all breaks loose, –labour-forces’ marching feet..mechanized everything multiplied kaleidoscopically, eyes..teeth! inclosed in made-up lips so haltingly BLACK you can wake up from your hypnosis in a dark, impressionable pocket, prone! and smell the to-dive-for cigars’ butt’s, tossed – by the prosperously-dressed, somewhat dour gentleman, clearly up-tight..seated, carriage erect, in the chair appraising you curiously you may have noticed..through his pince-nez – cigar-butts, marking a measure of time, tossed! unceremoniously onto the unswept wood floor by the edge of a Persian rug; and then up, a little, to the leather couch, presently occupied, –he, or she (not nude!), reclining on the proprietary button-tuck (buttons of brass!) specialty item of kustom order furniture, manufactured and sold exclusively! for its intended use as a maximum efficiency psychiatric office vehicle, a dream machine, expressly designed for the comfort and convenience of a subject..or subjects!desirous to have a rendering, or, an interpretation, rather, of his or her (or their) nocturnal sub-supraconscious episodes, –or dreams..and willing to pay! stuffed with horse hair supported by good european quality coil-springs, –and a guarantee! affording her..or him..THEM! a relaxing view, tilting down from the ceiling, and angling onto a legion or two..dozens of framed certificates, smothering walls in shadow, helped by gaslight, certifying you are in the hands of a certified brain genius..about to certify YOU, –well! all of these dissolves and tricks we see in Ballet have gone on, to the pallets of visual artists everywhere down the line in the histoire du cinema, from Fritz Lang (shades of METROPOLIS) to Nicholas Roeg’s celebrated ‘everything and the kitchen-sink’ tool-box of cinematic tricks, including, for example, his double exposure moving-picture portraits of seated subjects..in this instance, hooligans, with hidden gifts..brushed over lightly, in TV-blues, revealing a certain condition of the heart..spiritual darkness lurking beneath bland smiles, and STOP! shot of the jury having facts represented, in a case of a highly-charged political nature, by a clever defense attorney, cross-dissolves with rows of patrons in a seedy movie-house, viewing a blue film, on a scene portraying a concept for justice..blinded by smut, roughly mirroring edits in ‘M’ earliest of the ‘soundies’ –(excepting THE JAZZ SINGER,#1). Again, we are shown what, in our casual waking hours we accept as all of it, in contradistinction with what is lying in wait, under cover in the spirit realm (and all of the rest). The only thing left after this is the giant squid fight..but we’ll come to that. The point, here, where we shall dwell, is What do europeans thinK? what’s their bag??, in other words, you know? They are not like us, we are not..THEM! (though obviously we can all succumb to that same horrifying and grisly end of being masticated alive..and sweating! by pods of giant atomic ant mutations out for sugar in the middle of the Nevada summer desert, –but RELAX! it’s a dry heat..so don’t freek).

Now where were we? oh! yes, here we are standing on sticky carpet before the soda head, surveying movie-palaces’ grandeur, overhead, in line at the snack-bar, –purchasing SKITTLES and JUJUBES..and pop-corn and COKE! plus a skinny juicy hot-dog on a spit, bathing under the heat-spot’s, smothered in mustard and pickle-relish on a bun..and catsup! between screenings of The Great Brain Robbery, and hit co-feature, UN CHIEN ANDALOU, –second-of-all, with a tango, So! (Wagner, notwithstanding) so, — BALLET (mechanical) among many doors opened on a room full of mirrors – by suggestion – takes us on its flickery flight of fancy?over a landscape garden of infinite possible musicalities and samples (besides what’s offered), to suture on the images, and add spice..thought processes, hovering over alternate choices, banks of audio that may be swapped-out, to blunt consciousness, and/or implode brainwaves! as synapses, sympathetic, –shudders all a-flutter, spontaneously undulate, uh —DANCE TO THE MUSIC? sensibly altering perceptions, associations by the, –inputing of the funky sensory data-?overload of any given musical substitution’s interior fine qualities (x=why) dumped unintentionally on the filmgoers’ personal movie experience, –cut&paste job, whether a film depicting a straightforward plebeian single event, as in White Christmas‘s spectacular production number, MANDY, *–suggestion: mute the choruses on the original movie soundtrack in exchange for throaty, whispered groanings of a B-3 jazzy Hammond organ under the influence of a master’s touch..bluesman, in dialogue with a cool tenor sax-player’s meaty, theological chops, –‘n’throbbing Leslie‘s, spinning ear-candy like gold! top and bottom, like, down to 12 or 08 Hz coming across from a parallel galaxy of stellar oceanic wonders..saturnine stereo out of a vacuum tube hi-fi build, purple light! –source, picked at random, drawn off the liberry onna wall, wall-paper’d with treasures..eons of collected, selected vinyl, –walla-walla! results? you’re the genius, auteur, creator or what-ever..whatever you picked, if it worked, you own it (if not, you can always excuse yourself later..”I’m so sorry I picked that! Please! excuse me!!”); *or! take the nascent, trez arthouse edit-convention of montage, as cut-together in Eisenstein’s appropriation of D.W. Griffith’s Brahminic brainchild, THE BIRTH OF A NATION..notice: in contra-distinction to the clips of mounted Klansmen, and all of the rest of it..baby-stroller bumping, slo-mo, down Odessa’s steps, INSERT..sabre slashes..look of horror, the broken glasses, horseback Kossacks, horses..restless, poised, now pawing, begin: bloody massacre on ALICE! ala Zhivago, –Guthrie In Hippieland. Running with that ball of wax you get a cuter slant on the movies than you ever imagined you would if you have tolerance at all to shift from a Hollywood conventional mental outlook/paradigm, obeying rules, take it as it comes..for no good reason and CHILL! simply by turning down the TV-sound on the usual late-night feed over-the-air, from a local licensee, of, gosh! say, a re-re-broadcast of the classic KING KONG, –and substituting the title track to ALICE’S RESTAURANT, Arlo up there doing his Rudy Vallee number..yeah! dominating and outshining the dandyish ape’s misbehavin’s, by overlaying the new hippie national anthem and original Vietnam protest, claiming – in the name of the queen, and all your queen buddies there on the couch, what’s-‘is-name – absolute personal autonomy, smack! dab in square society, GROUND ZER0, throwing off all yokes of oppression installed since ‘straights’ first took over everything (?maybe this only works if you’re having a grande pot-party soiree, plus registering everyone to vote..MCGOVERN ’72 –open house! in Frisco, –Come on?), and teaming that with the clip of Fay Wray’s assisted ascent – ostensibly against her will- up the north face of the Empire State Building – being incessantly harassed by hostile vintage military aircraft – while camped securely inside a swarthy, hairy, warm and friendly giant hand..which, by the way, is a metaphor, in the language of cinema, meaning gondola. Here, the sultry, psychologically numbing first sudden impact of Harryhausen<Melies<Reynaud, is beat, in intensity, only by..JAWS! for which we shall have to wait, patiently, nearly half of a century, to get, –“Oh! the humanity!” (Where’s my yoga-mat?)

..for all its mass-gifting of moviemaking tools to future generations of visual story-tellers, many of BALLET‘s cinematic devices are uncomplicated. It is the carefully controlled lighting and other quiet, behind-the-scenes production elements, along with Man Ray’s genius for the golden image that make the presentation of mannequin parts – choreographed – such a pleasantly enticing, and oddly sexy experience (recalling, by the bye, an experimental animation film hailing from Poland somewhere in the 60’s, entitled “Concert of M. Caballe” (can’t find, take – in lieu of – my RHINOCEROS..Please!) with similar eviscerations done on the principal, and similarly comprehending the work of Busby Berkeley at his best, –the dream, fantastique! but on a lower budget). And, among other post-hypnotic suggestions ginned up by the Ballet, is its impression, in one of the clips, of the in-motion, spinning outer carriage of a praxinoscope, — miracle contraption! for the parlour, or smoking room, to amuse..guests, in which animation-loops, either a series of photographs or drawings, on strips, are placed, then rotated, before an arrangement of mirrors at center, facing outwards, which, when gazed upon render for the viewer the original primordial experience of the first motion picture or animated image generating device, the very human thing that drives us all nuts! (persistence of vision, why we’re here). Oh! if I could go on and on..You, no doubt, by NOW appreciate that. So! and, like, don’t leave out without a mention, at least, of the clip of..the stout woman, and her burden she shoulders – captured under the camera – mid-motion, looking up, ascending, from about the middle of a flight of stairs, the unfortunate recipient of somebody else’s deja vu’s..repeatedly! ARS GRATIA ARTIS..stop me before I..EDIT again! but, here, let’s call it a day, –or render, rather


I don’t know how a cat thinks. Honestly! (for real’s). What do they remember? WHO do they remember? How do those memories affect their attitude towards the people who are feeding them presently? and what, if any thing, about the quality of the food they receive? ‘Eli’ being a case in point (yeah, he’s a case, alright). He was once the cat of a bachelor we were friends with. Named Steve. They actually looked very similar to each other, it’s uncanny. Eli is an all-white cat (also, we call him ‘Kracker’); but his tail, somewhat strikingly, is tiger stripes of varying shades of grey, all the way down to its black,BLACK tip. The twin-like appearance I mentioned, of course, refers only to the facial characteristics of them: Big nose, WHITE, half-blind (for that matter, we’re all three about like brothers). Whenever I would go to visit Steve, presently, Eli would show up scratching at the back side-door opening into the kitchen, and making tiny whining noises for Steve to come let him in (Steve always made fun of his mournful mew-ing’s, accurately imitating them to his face, but the cat paid him no mind on that account); then he – Eli that’s to say – would join us in the front room by the fireplace, watching sports (or politics) on the TV and come over to where I was, seated by the windows looking out on Steve’s wonderful garden, arranged piecemeal, with potting soil for the “Googootz” – as the Eye-talians call them – and other delectable edibles growing prosperously out of his ‘re-purposed’ 10-foot satellite TV dishes, spread round the yard beneath a radiant sun; and his hummingbird-feeders, –and be friendly and engaging (‘Whitey’ would be); but! he’s always been like that. I was with him just now on our bed and that’s how it is. We live in the mountains, have lived here in Big Bear for the last 35 years and Eli has lived there all his life I suppose (we moved up here in ’88 from Riverside with a silver-and-black tabby cat named Riley, and when we threw a ‘sweet sixteen’ birthday party for him with all his friends Steve helped out in ways too numerous to mention, except I should say he did some of the cooking chores, including working the deep-fryer, for one; but I don’t recall whatever was being dropped in the hot grease). Before Eli lived with Steve he seems to have been with some people in a two-story house across the street from Steve, but they didn’t care for him (he might have been there when they bought the place, left behind by its previous owners, putting everything in the Big Bear past utterly behind them as they went). Anyway the new people, they kept him locked out in the snow; often, all night sometimes. What a shame! All that room, too! two-story house and no accommodation for a cold little kitty-kat, shivering like a snow ghost in the dark shadowy nights, –Incredible! So he started hanging out with Steve more and more, they would watch TV together (Steve had every channel you can get because he serviced and installed much of the satellite dishes around Big Bear, that was his racket, and he knew his kraft). He felt a little guilty like it was an instance of someone stealing somebody else’s cat. I told him, “Steve he’s your cat. These people don’t want him..take him, he’s yours. He’s your cat!” I was just in there, just now, petting him on our bed, he’s very amiable, that’s the kind of kitty he is; and then I remembered petting him while sitting in Steve’s living room on Steve’s sprawling hide-a-bed couch, covered with the brown naugahyde that was so uncomfortable; and pretty disgusting of a couch, too. I don’t know why he didn’t just get rid of it. You see, it retained smells and it made a noise as you settled into it, it was just a plain icky couch (maybe he felt sorry for it). Steve would always lament the sad fate of all the nauga’s, their lives tragically cut short by the greedy capitalists so they could get their hyde’s off them to make shoes and purses; and of course, couches, oh well. Anyhow, –oh! here’s Eli now..Hi, Eli! I don’t know if Eli ever thinks about those people from across the street anymore. (Probably not, why would he?) And then there was Steve’s other neighbor next-door to them, a long-time friend – their friendship went way back – who got divorced, and who, during a visit at Steve’s, suddenly, and without warning flung Eli across the room. Steve, you know, he was just kind of dumbfounded; dumbfounded, and disgusted..and I guess that settled it for him, as to who would get the inheritance (of the cat). Shortly before he went on to his great reward, Steve had come over to our house to partake of my authentic Salvadoran pupusas one Sunday afternoon, which, as usual, I had made from scratch for us to enjoy; complete with the ‘curtido’, a bitter-sweet slaw, for the topping, of freshly diced cabbages and carrots and onions cured in the fridge for a day or two, marinaded in all kinds of delicious ingredients like apple-cider vinegar, lemon, and garlic and (pinch of) oregano and (tablespoon) brown sugar that makes the pupusas so addictive and such a treat for a local down in El Salvador (and more than likely, future citizen of the United States). So I prepared the masa dough which is 6 cups of flour to 1 cup of water kneaded together (covered for fifteen minutes), and divided it into 8 equal size balls, flattening them in the palms of my hands, and filling them with the cheeses and pork meat (and more garlic, of course); and fried them up in olive oil and, I think, did a pretty good job. Steve remarked that the pupusas were very good (and Steve was a professional chef, as well as something of a true rocket scientist so he should know). After we ate our fill of the pupusas, I supplied the tooth-picks; and being the excellent host, served us a dessert of ice cream with a savory topping I’d prepared of perfectly ripe and tender dates, soaked in sweet Hungarian Tokaji wine. A good bottle of Tokaji is very rare, and hard to get hold of; indeed, especially these days, being made from grapes grown in a unique local region of Hungary (the former Pannonia) known for the unusually fine, and extended fall weather in the plain at the foot of the forbidding Carpathian’s. It was discovered, quite by accident these hundreds of years passed (with none to mind the harvest, owing to turbulent political circumstance), that grapes fallen to earth in these rare climatic conditions and left to rot, begin to develop what has since come to be called the ‘noble mold’ their prized quality. Thus, when the tenders of the vineyards eventually re-gathered and pressed their succulent juices, they discovered the miracle of the mold, a true ambrosia! Put in oak casks, mold and all, and aged in musty cellars for at least four years, before being brought into daylight again to be blended, by masters of the wine, re-stored in fresh oaken barrels and aged some more..Tokaji! the wine of kings and the king of wines, as they describe it. This pleasant dessert beverage comes from only this one place on the planet; and if, of a good admixture, selected from the better batches, compares like no other..initially, one experiences notes of marmalade on the palate moments after the first swig – the ‘nose’ as it were – followed in sequence, by suggestions of rich caramel, then, perhaps, apricot; and other delightful tastes, depending upon the selections chosen for blending and the amount of time slumbering in bowels of the earth. So there we were, me and Steve, here in Big Bear, enjoying our KUSTOM ice cream in contented silence, each left to his own reflection in this land of thick mystery, and its dark, authoritarian oppressions under many facets..otherwise called County of San Bernardino, –(in spite of it all me and Steve, we had our fun times..my goodness). And then Steve said something I shall never forget. He said, “If something happens to me will you take care of my cat?” Without hesitation I said, “Sure.” He explained he wanted me and Mary to have Eli after he was not here anymore to take care of him because he knew we would treat him well. He also at the same time mentioned the incident that happened with his neighbor and bosom buddy from across the street; and mentioned specifically about not wanting him to get Eli when the chips fell. He seemed to have been puzzled and perplexed by that person’s unaccountable display of animal cruelty, and he made sure to have it understood between them – him and he – that Eli was to go to us – me and Mary – in the event of his timely death, i.e., expected, as he hadn’t been doing well, of late. We both, by the way, are veterans of that procedure known as 4-way Bypass (and many, many more, the surgical environment being like a home away from home..for us). So that’s what happened. The phone rang that pre-summer morning with the sad news, and Elizabeth drove over there with a cat-carrier box to collect Eli who was freaked-out by everything, while I prepared a temporary place in the garage for him and his cat-box and food and water-dish, so he could get adjusted to his new digs; and to keep him separate from the other two previously inherited cats – ‘Tess’ and ‘Kit-kat’ – from friends who moved to Vegas (because of ‘The County’..one way or another). Anyway that’s how we wound up with Eli, –Gosh! has it been already four years now? wow! Anyway, we take decent good care of him; and now that the weather is turning to summer conditions, again, Eli insists on going out everyday to sun himself and meander around, and do a little casual ‘gophering’..watch out for those coyotes, Mr. Cat! I remember the words Steve spoke to me when I consented to, in due time, to take the responsibility for Eli from him. He said it after the ice cream I think; and with great sincerity of heart, “He’s a good cat.” How right you were, Steve. Cheers, Eli! you ARE a good cat. May you live a thousand years.


PS: There. Have I left anything out? Oh yeah! Note the entry door and its aged fake wood grain; of chinese plastic..rare as fine wine!

Mom was a bird, a little bird with no cares. She sang, she chirped her way through life, unaffected by ‘the cats’ who stalk harmless creatures like sparrows, and doves, singing songs in morning sunshine..in cool spring light. She always lived joyfully..in Jesus; and though stuff happens, no one could take that away, no one could steal her song. Mom! I miss you, I dreamed about you last night. We were through living in this dump, and after twenty-something years we were packing it in, rolling up the carpets. I picked up an old antique table someone had broke the leg off of; and I noticed brush strokes of stain you had applied after sanding, ages ago, and not done too carefully, but with a spirit of lightness and freedom, like the way you lived. And I told these two Mexicans picking through books who I had been telling about Traficant, “Look. My mom did that.” And I was remembering how every moment, whether washing dishes; or pulling weeds or cleaning my messes, you were creating without worry or concern. It was just a natural and easy thing for you to do. And you would sing to yourself and to God..and Dad, too, if he was around; though he was half-deaf from exploding ordnance down in the Philippines during sea battles, days he spent in the navy. It’s too bad it took me so long to just learn to relax a little..we could have had a lot more fun. Together. When we were younger. I recall that time you eased me over the hump with learning to tie my own shoelaces. I miss Mom.


PS: I love you.

YOUR DAY IN COURT: “NEXT. How do you plead.” “Pronouns are none of my concern.” “Yes, they are. We make them your concern. NEXT..” “Religion is not my issue. Yes it is, we make it your issue. NEXT..” “Sexual behavior is none of my business.” “Yes, it is, now, we made it your business. NEXT..Anything else?” “Yes. Politics is not my problem.” “Ohh yeah?? we make it your problem.” “But how? I am US Constitution, a document..but a piece of paper, that establishes the rule of law; and under me liberty and justice for all.” “That is de facto correct. You are just a piece of paper. NEXT..”


Puzzle, puzzle, life’s a puzzle, –PUZZLE? Yeah-yeahh, check ‘t out. Greek’s got there first, a puzzle there in their thin Mediterranean air, there, they’re calling it a riddle..the’re in their mist. Go aks the Sphinx for some basic information, –Szczerzy! you jeszt (and don’t call me Shirley). So she/he/it, –Zey! hand you zee enigma and zo zen..Zen zey! zey go off to sea, see? and fight Phoenicians for real estate (wow). “ROW! ramming speed, mate!!” Win a war an’ go home, fi-ow-ey w’ecks in za woke wakes of zem..zunk in ze zea, –“He’s the King.” Fall for your mom, have a marriage, settle down, raise a family. Zee? now wazzat a bummer? bummer in the summer Oed-i-pus, T-Rex..Hmm?? So! on to New Rome (what will they think of next) E=emcee,Sq(dot)right?, right! (Wight, Euripides.) So what’s this?, it’s a mushroom, that’s what it is big ol’ shroom-cloud hanging over your head,HEAD!head of YOU at that free DEAD concert in the park, (O)ed, –Oy!is what it is, Golden State..Free! free narcotics, free music, free love, free-free. Free, free,FREE! for a lark..look! listen; and HEAR (a noise): riot-guns, suBmachine-guns..cops! Gurus! bullhorns, cops, cops’ sirens, cop bullhorns! sitars, COPS! dogs, barking..cops, –Blubber! (smell the strawberry incense brother) what is up with those boys? screeching rubber! smack up against a wall (mother), KEE-RASH! GAME OVER_SCORE: 3 DEAD SUSPECTS. Solve the puzzle and win a free cruise for 2&a chaperone to fabulous..romantic..Ensenada, Mexico, –Ba-ha-ha! 3 sunburned days, 2 funfilled nights for you and a date, don’t wait! and don’t drink da wa-da..Wait! (free diarrhea, solve the diarrhea and win some relief); or trade it for what’s behind the curtain, tree-curtain, yes! of eucalyptuses swaying aromatically to salt rhythms on a soft breeze waving BYE-BYE! long silky tree-legs wrapped in tree-pants of wet bark, “So-and-So Love Watchamacallit” carved in ’em with a pocket-knife oozing heart-shape sap in back of orange sunsets dropping south, south by northwest, and seagulls, birds, dumping out of heaven’s grass skirts in the sea; in kelp SPLAT! no wait no actually they’re not trees legs, they’re my legs I think,ZINK! I zink I am taller, stretched some (therefor I am). Anyhow t’s my dream, my, –my poem, me, myself..eye, “Aye! aye!” Me. Harbor pilot walking on zem ze legs of eucalyptus looking down and around on blonde bronze surfers legs dangling off boards, lingering zere in ze wide ocean, afloat..over zee puzzling arrays of dumb sea creatures, 1000’s! millions of zem mixed, all shapes and sizes swimming in za ambient jig-saw seas..for hours, zoz zurfers, zey are counting zee tiny swells waiting for za perfect one, to HANG TEN off ze nose of a shark, great white,WHITE! white and private and privileged..shark (great); and, surfed-in from the Islands before The Great War ends, hundred-year-old boards, 25-35 footers, full-size, strapped on roof-racks ’40s woody’s, parked up and down s’and dunes at the edge of the world, our world, plastic..Virgin Mary on the dash under the mirror and a rosary; open a bag of marshmallows in back with the seats folded-down and chocolate milk to chase; and love beads, “PEACE.” It’s just you and me, kid, “KISS! kiss!” “Mm-mm!” Plus all we got’s between us ‘s a Pepsi, some suntan oil, few chips; and a musty sleeping-bag, dam..dem dam beach-bums, dey stole’d da board! (shlepped it kleen away) and worse, still, you don’t get the prize you won in that contest. Turn off the radio, it’s a rip-off, no remedy solves the puzzle. (SIGH) It’s all Greek..Za poetry you zee. ~c. Ps:Christo anesti!

Looking back over the years since getting dumped on this planet I find it hard to picture life..without you. Oh there was lots of girls I fell in love with, sure, but they didn’t fall in love with me; not for keeps, anyway, I was scared! so what. I recall when I was three there was these two nurses taking care of me in the hospital after my surgery, to remove something from my shoulder-bone that didn’t belong there (I still have the scar) and they hugged me a lot and fussed over me and brought me my meals and medicines around the clock (maybe they were using me for practice for when they might have their own baby boy); but then after about a week of that the doctor said I was okay and they took me home, my parents did..and it was over. Then there was this mature young woman who wanted me, enough to be stalking me at MACY’S near the toy department around Christmastime in Frisco, where we had paused in our travels for a brief layover; but my father foiled her plan. At first, he pretended not to notice her as she got closer and closer and would have actually kidnapped me, but Dad whisked me away at the last moment, “Nyahh! nyahh!” she was so mad at him she could’ve knifed him. Then we went back to our room at the hotel in the ‘Tenderloin’ area and I played with my brand new Mattel six-shooter rifle I made them buy me at the store until I got us all in trouble with management over the GREENIE stick-em caps I was popping away at with it, it had reached the tipping point (we checked out next day, early, and went to the parking garage and management waved us Good-bye! as we drove out to the street beneath the shadowy penumbra of tall, old buildings built on steep hills blocking the sun’s rays from getting in, and went somewhere for breakfast). And when I was 4 or five, before kindergarten I think, I had it really bad for the alcoholic dentist’s daughter, Jennifer, who lived high up on the hill behind us in a very old house of stone and mortar, on several acres with horses, that had an arched entry door made out of rough lumber like the old witch’s place in the woods that Hansel and Gretel got to visit..probably. And she would come see me, occasionally, and hold me in her lap sitting on the poured concrete steps going up to our house by the gas-meter on her pleated skirt and she was really sweet and blonde and slender; but then soon she got married, and once again I was out in the cold. My dad, the Preacher, performed the wedding ceremony in the church, next-door to our house with the leaky roof, and pots and pans to catch the drips; as I witnessed the whole thing from desperate shadows up in the balcony with a stained-glass window of Jesus tenderly holding a little lamb..and was heart-broken. After that, Dad gave me a Japanese rifle he brought home after the war which came with a bayonet that slipped on and locked over the barrel end and he showed me how to work the bolt action so it didn’t get jammed in the process and that helped to get over it a little, I guess..anyway, it was a seven-point-something millimeter and there was no bullets. In the second grade, for me, it was kind of a toss-up between Natalie, who I’d seen around in pre-school and who, now, a couple years later, I shared a desk with, or actually, it was a table in the third row; and then there was Leslie, who lived in a trailer at the “Polynesian” trailer-park out by the edge of town with her family which were Hungarians and she had long thick brown hair (there was a neon sign out front on the main drag that was lit-up at night, flashing the name of the place, giving it a bit of a South Seas feel surrounded by mountains, there, just north of San Fernando). She used to chase me up the ancient concrete drive-way that went to the church parking lot that abutted the dentist’s field where the mostly ignored horses meandered around after school in her pretty plaid dress with shoulder-straps that was blue and green and a white blouse underneath but I would always outrun her until finally she gave up and nothing much happened after that, –Ohh! I could have kicked myself!! until the third grade when something happened, it wasn’t much but it was something, –I’ll skip it..anyway, that’s all the women in my life until Jr.-Hi and there wasn’t anyone there, as far as I remember; oh! but except in the house next to ours, built on several lots, there was a young lady of Dutch descent maybe in her early twenties and blond named Bonnie Dykstra, who lived with her old dad in, I think it was a two-story house and she sported white go-go boots, sometimes, and drove around in a Mustang. And nothing happened there. And after that I don’t remember much, until, following a lot of lonely and desperate years in and out of schools, getting kicked off jobs up and down the coast; and not much else..there was you! soon to be my significant other, who, by a major miracle I met; and where we met it was a METS game, not really! just kidding, and it was true love and we were JUST MARRIED on the spot by my dear old Dad, the Preacher, who officiated tying the knot of holy matrimony for us in the Fairmont Park in Riverside..by that cute little lake, where we said our ‘I-do’s’ and forsaking all,ALL! others and “till death do us part”, heedless, in the moment, of how fast time flies..like driving a Pinto down a mountain that has lost its brakes; so you have to jam it in second, then first. And that’s that, thee END (but our love goes on and on, Honey, and, oh! by the way, Happy Valentine’s Day, my dearest one)


The cats don’t like the saxophones, no they do not, they do not like them one bit (true furry tales of honing one’s craft). They don’t like the screechy, yowling sound they make, for it seems it offends their delicate little ears; and sets their whiskers on edge..at the mere sight of the cork getting greased, they begin treading circles nervously around the room, setting up for a hasty retreat to their safe space they are familiar with from the last time, or times, there was saxophone practice..in the house. How big is that space; and where? Maybe they have to share it with a mouse; or two..or 5 or 25, who knows! do you? Anyway, the point of it is once the reed gets softened sufficiently with some good old-fashioned spit, –and they hear it start playing itself and the notes begin to split! making that grievous honking sound like a gaggle of geese’s going north for the winter; or some aspirins, or percodan’s, –or whatever, crossing each other’s air-spaces going south! you will find they can no longer be found..the kitty-kats can’t. Do you know where they went? or why? No, and neither do I. And nothing seems to improve, either, ever, any way (except maybe we got rid of some mice); and looking around the room at all the chairs – sentinels, silently sitting there – there’s something different, definitely, I can notice..their fabric’s bent! bent fabric, nice! and just from a few notes, or whatever, bouncing off the tuck ‘n’ roll couch, Ouch! it’s no wonder the cats don’t like a saxophone. If the furniture couldn’t withstand it, why should they? could you? (yeah, me too). Here, my kitty-kitty’s, now hear this! (sax-vamping some respectably substandard, alley cat-ty..flowery! be-boppish dirge on MOON RIVER al dente, well, sort-of I’m outta here). Well so what if I ain’t no ‘Boots’ Randolf?? We can always trade it in on a good used accordion and try starting over..again, –Can’ I? “Yes we can! can-can, –Uhh!”


The wheels of time, –pushing, and eternally turning the universe are the boss of us peoples, whom, sensing the inevitable, strive to retire from the rat-race; and find rest (but few who found it). Each generation passes away before Him, leaving their towels on bloody towel-racks, never to be washed again; dirty dishes cluttering sink’s their edges, carrying the grimy debris from meals, served, and half-eaten last week beside a newspaper, now sunken in moody, blue-grey waters with no hands – dry inside rubber gloves of yellow – to minister to a needful cleansing and restore them to their rightful place on the empty shelf, impatient..irked! even, you might say, as the spoon runs away chased by the dish, oh! oh, and how I wish,WISH! it to be different, somehow, like a fish! waiting, flipping, flip-flopping aimlessly in a dish-strainer bathed in moonbeams under a clock on the wall looking down on the knife-rack, waiting, patiently waiting to be be-headed and broiled..on a shtick; and alongside a potato, placed carefully on a plate, thahh! that dish, dish who ran away with Mr. Spoon..too soon, –High noon! does anyone learn? ’tis but a poem, try to discern! Discern..Look it up! now you’re discerning. From Ezekiel to The REVELATION (of Saint John the Divine) the end of all nations must soon come to pass. Yes, the Indian nations, too! (yes, and their motorcycles). It’s true, cowboys, it’s just me; and it’s you. It’s been..a journey, pardner, long, long journey, waiting, watching and waiting; and standing, on the Rock: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.”, see? ~Revelation 3:20, –By G_d


What happens to the poet when, like, the poetic inspiration, uhh..thing, happens! or, strikes? (hits). Why, the brain of course starts releasing thee endorphins, like, crazy, man! and, at first..lazily? the poem begins to take flight, fluttering mildly,MILDLY! like a kite on the back of the poet who wrote it; and at some point gets to have some form or other, like, like, taking on a definite shape, like an apparition, uhh, of anything! a, a..apple laden driftwood bough in ‘is burnt-out clutch’s, you know, like..like, smell the RAY-BESTOS, dude! like a hot apple pie, purplish, and hazey like; and, so “..did you like the poem?” Like, then, so, like, klik on the LIKE..like. Well! was it good? Nah, meteoric! crash-and-burn, skeletal..tantaliz’d poet’s dry remains, etched on yon lonesome rock! the rest of ‘m in a urn, –Thanks. Thanks for the memories. So! when did poetry first get invented? Or: Could POETRY, like, have even happened, man, without, like, –POE, man? like: Once..upon..a midnight, ahh..whatever. Once upon a midnight..Special! (yeah, that’s it, now you’re doing it),The Midnight Special, –Once upon Thee Midnight Special the night Grand Funk Railroad arrived by railroad, no..make it a train! long, long train; and it began to rain; with thunder and lightning’s and all of the rest of it..then! All at once the groupies files in, fills the T-V studio (CUE:mild din*), waiting for the sound-check to begin..ears to hear, but not for long, screeching notes to lift a song, –PARANOID! stuff’d behind that..plutonian door, amplifiers piled-hi by the score, hit the MUTE forevermore; poor,POOR! hippy-chick she’s toast..Lenore! by now, deaf as a door-nail in that star-studded door, can’t hear nothin’ nevermore, drums..electric gui-tars galore, “Dahh da-dahh..da da-da dahh-ah-ahh!” cranked to 10. This has been a test; and nothing more (add the raven, call it good). So! was it endorphins caused it all, caused the whole thing, body of another great poem to materialize, –shape up? shape of a pill, right?? and ’twas it a better solution to the artist’s quest for ‘Beautiful’, than simply taking..a pharmaceutical? NO! not even the poet’s he’s..deluded, man, deluded from Dilaudid’s dat da doctor, like, prescribed ta help wit passin’ da kidney-stone; an’ a poem, peradventure..portentous scribbles of flea-bitten doggerel, –No Charge! which – it may seem – is like like having an A-I for a muse, or nurse; or girlfriend, whatever..a pill, pill by the kidney-shape swimming pool evermore, aye! ai ‘girlfriend’ so-called I shall call her “..my lost Lenore”, –inna bikini, oy! he’s through, okay, Thee End, –“Happy New Year’s! put on the hats everybody, Yippee!!” (Oy.)

,* mild yet


P-s: Merry Christmas, too! poem..cure for all the holiday’s, GFR, “Sittin here lonely like ah, a bro-kin’ may-an..” Next up: The Poe-lice; and Stories; an’ Barry White and his Love Unlimited Orchestra, ya’-‘ll stay tuned! “She was black! as the ni-ight..Louie was whiter than whi-ite..Tahnk you! thank you veruh much..and thank you for Don Kirshner’s AI grandmother over there on drums!”

Colleges, knowledges, psychic’s, astrologers..can’t find the Way? toss it, and tell the Truth, –to all. What have we seen that we can say absolutely for sure is The Real? Wretchedness, rags..riches, blessing. In this life, others show us favor, affection, we in turn may honor them..in the short term; and then it all goes away. For ever. What lasts? In a word, a Greek word, Charity, –(translated from ‘agape’), the love of God..Godly love, brotherhood, love for everyone. What has Jesus done for you? do you have something to share? If not, then receive Him, have Life! and tell everyone. John 14:6 “Merry Christmas”


69..69?! da num-bers don’t add up in my mind..69 Yesterday I was a kid playin in da woods; now I’m closer to dyin..an’ dat bee’s as it should (we all get to). Our dad’s dyid; and also our mudders. Now it’s just me and you, kid. 69..CRAP! now I’m old as you!! we’re as old as each other’s, “–HUSH!” Now what, what’s next? da oatmeal! an’ den da royal flush. (European) “He’s toast.” Oh well, it could be worser; or more serious, that is..if 6 was 9 then we’d be like,99!if 9 is six, pick up styx (down by the river) hard to figgur, dat. Harder and harder as the numbers tip up, onwards and upwards, up a hill, to fetch tha’ pail, –SHEESH! oh heck let’s have us some ice cream, and cake..in a little bit, and root-beer, too, dear (pupusa’s to make, –WHY I needed that bucket of water, y’all..Oy!); and “Put another candle on it, da cake, my birthday-cake (da NAZI German chocolate cake), there, yay! I’m another year old today, hey, –” “Hey, Sheriff John.” (He’s, ah, um, uhh, birthday party cop-clown noontime TV kiddy-show host we grew up with on the LA locals’ broadcasts,he sang t h at song, –SIGH! I was always a little disappointed we didn’t get to see him packing some heat, just the uniform and badge and a goofy little sort of cowboy hat; an’ no riot-stick, too..Ughh!) Well, dear, so what do you say? sundown, shall we call it a day? Take a bath, –then it’s Vanna&Pat. Lessee, what’s leff?JEOPARDY! and Philippines, –First, Philippines; an nex,Chi-na “In the year 6969” (Hoo-hah, hoo-hah). Happy birthday everybody, every booby. And Happy Chanukah, too! God bless..YOU


P-s: At least I get to see Elizabeth graduate from college; more’n I ever deeyid. Then, for YOUR birthday next year I’ll buy you a wig, one for me too, yeah, matching wigs! That’ll do. And skip the poetry..RIGHT??

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